Personal details |
09.01.25 |
DAAD Lecturer [DAAD-Langzeitdozent] at MNU Law School, Maqsut Narikbayev University, Astana (Kazakhstan) from 2023 to 2024. Adjunct Professor [Außerplanmäßiger Professor] at the University of Göttingen (Germany). Extensive national and international academic teaching experience.
European law (in particular EU internal market law, European constitution, fundamental rights, foundations of European Union law, the EU in the general theory of state) |
Constitutional law (in particular fundamental rights, constitutional review, constitutional problems of supranational integration) |
Administrative law (in particular rule of law) |
Comparison of laws (in the field of public law) |
Legal terminology and multilingual communication in public law and European law |
Significant professional experience
Since 10/2024: Lecturer of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) at the Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
2023 - 2024: DAAD Lecturer at the Maqsut Narikbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan |
2018 - 2023: DAAD Lecturer at the Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
2017/18: Lecturer at the Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung [Federal University of Public Administration] in Brühl, Germany |
2015 - 2017: Advisor at the Academia de Administrare Publică in Chişinău, Republic of Moldova (Integrated Expert placed by CIM/GIZ) |
2012 - 2014: DAAD Lecturer at the Hanoi Law University, Hanoi, Vietnam |
2012: Interim Professor [Lehrstuhlvertreter] at the University of Cologne |
2006 - 2010: DAAD Lecturer at the University of Latvia (Riga), contributing to the activities of the Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor; from 2008 also Visiting Lecturer at the Riga Graduate School of Law |
2001 - 2005: Habilitated Senior Lecturer at the University of Göttingen; Interim Professor at the Universities of Bonn (2002/02) and Greifswald (2002/03); lectures at the EuroFaculty Kaliningrad, the Academy of European Public Law in Spetses (Greece) and the Deutsche Rechtsschule in Budapest |
1992 - 2001: Post-doc Researcher and Assistant Professor [Akademischer Rat, Wissenschaftlicher Assistent] at the University of Göttingen |
1986 - 1989: Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Göttingen |
1992 - 2001: post-doctoral studies at the University of Göttingen. 2001 habilitation (qualification to teach at professorial level) in the fields of public law (including European Union law) and comparison of laws |
1989 - 1992: legal traineeship [Rechtsreferendariat] in Saarbrücken with stages in Napier (New Zealand) and Brussels |
1986 - 1989: doctoral studies at the University of Göttingen |
1985/86: language, cultural and legal studies in Granada (Spain) and Aix-en-Provence (France) |
1979 - 1985: legal studies at the University of Göttingen |
1966 - 1979: school days in Hameln (the town of the Pied Piper legend) |
Main publications [see also list of publications]
Integration in der Supranationalen Union. Das europäische Organisationsmodell einer prozeßhaften georegionalen Integration und seine rechtlichen und staatstheoretischen Implikationen, 2001 (habilitation thesis) [Integration in the Surpanational Union. The European model of organisation for process-oriented, geo-regional integration, and its concomitant legal and theoretical implications] |
Rechtsstaat und Grundrechtsschutz im französischen Polizeirecht, 1989 (doctoral thesis) [The rule of law and the protection of fundamental rights in French police law] |
Kāzusi un mācību materiāli Eiropas Savienības tiesībās. Kāzusi un to risinājumi, tiesu prakses pārskats, vispārīgi mācību materiāli par Eiropas Savienības tiesībām un mācību materiāli par Eiropas iekšējā tirgus tiesībām, Riga 2010 [Cases and materials on European Union law, translated into Latvian by Kaspars Gailītis, Jūlija Kolomijceva, Kristīna Krasta, Ieva Vanaga un Līga Ziediņa] |
Editor and co-author: Basic vocabulary of European Union law / Grundwortschatz Europarecht / Eiropas tiesību pamattermini, 1st edition 2009, 2nd edition 2010 [English-German-Latvian legal dictionary] |
Innenansicht des europäischen Verfassungsrechts? [Inside view of European constitutional law?], in: Christian von Bar/Yu-Cheol Shin/ Michael Stolleis (editors), Innenansichten des deutschen und ostasiatischen Rechts [Inside views of the German and East Asian law], 2021, p. 129 - 162 |
The general principles of European Union law - a source of inspiration for the development of a modern administrative law in the Republic of Moldova, Administrarea Publică 2017, No. 1 (93), 26 |
Jurisprudence on European integration / Rechtsprechung zur europäischen Integration. An internet compendium on important decisions of the European Court of Justice and the constitutional courts of the member states / Ein Internet-Kompendium zu wichtigen Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofes und der Verfassungsgerichte der Mitgliedstaaten, bilingual, last update: 2012 |
Die Grundrechtecharta als Teil der Verfassung der Europäischen Union [The Charter of Fundamental Rights as part of the constitution of the European Union], in: Europarecht 2004, 691 |
Das europäische Volk und seine Rolle bei einer Verfassunggebung in der Europäischen Union, in: Europarecht 2003, 217 = Le peuple européen et son rôle lors d'un acte constituant dans l'Union européenne, in: Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étrangrer 2003, 1709 |
Die EU-Grundrechtecharta aus grundrechtsdogmatischer und grundrechtstheoretischer Sicht [The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from the perspective of fundamental rights docrtine and theory], in: Juristenzeitung 2001, 833 |
Chronik der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts [chronicle of the jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court, series of articles], European Review of Public Law / Revue Européenne de Droit Public 1995 - 2004 |
Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (association of European constitutionalists); Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer (association of German constitutionalists), Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung (German association for comparative law), Deutscher Hochschulverband (German Association of University Professors and Lecturers), Deutsch-lettische Juristen-Vereinigung (German-Latvian lawyers' association), Ukrainisch-deutscher rechtswissenschaftlicher Dialog e.V. (Ukrainian-German association of legal scientists).